Wednesday 29 May 2013

How Divergent is similar to a sickness bug.

Reading Divergent was a similar experience to vomiting. It starts with mild levels of nausea - but no, you will battle through it, I can read more. This slowly builds to waves of intense "I can't leave the loo phase" and I needed this for my goodreads challenge so I kept going. And then, the final stage, the finale. Unpleasant. But finally over.

The hype! The hype this book has received. John Green recommended it. John Green, who everyone knows is a God to me. Nina recommended it to me (though she has a less god-like status because she has never made me sob uncontrollably curled up in a ball, although she recommended Sherlock to me). My sister adored it. Tumblr and other various fangirl sources worship this book.

Beatrice Prior lives in a dystopian (what? A teen book about dystopia?) society where everyone is sorted into five personality types and live in five "factions" and can choose a new faction at 16. The five factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless) and Erudite (the intelligent). Oh, and if you are thinking "I fit more than one of those boxes!" Then you are a Divergent, a threat to society.

The truth is I don't mind bad quality literature. I quite enjoy it. The thing is Divergent pretends to be good quality. It pretends that the plot twists aren't totally obvious 100 pages beforehand. It pretends you don't know his true identity and how she will fall for him and oh the language is full of bias and lack of subtlety. It just... let me down.

It was a book with a lot of potential and the beginning was really good but as it went on it lost it's way. Maybe it's not you, Divergent, it's me. Maybe I've read too much dystopia, the Hunger Games, Uglies and the like. Maybe I'm tired of it. I just feel like it could be the shining cherry on the dystopia cake and it isn't.

There's a film. This could be really good. Maybe. No, who am I kidding? The book is always better than the movie and the book was terrible. Mind you the cast is basically the TFIOS cast...

I'm not mindlessly hating this book. I do have reasons and constructive criticism for the novel, its predictability, its lack of character development, it lacks a spark that sets it apart from the rest.

So overall, I hated this book. Sorry to all the fangirls who now hate me. But it was my metaphorical sickness bug.

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