Sunday 5 May 2013

Across the Universe Review

I imagined the outrage on my reader's faces as they read my review. "What?" They would cry in anger, the true science fiction fans of this world. "Why did she not read a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? Why would you pick young adult science fiction in the grand scheme of this bountiful genre?"

Needless to say I deleted my first draft.

I was a science fiction v**g*n before I read this book.

The book has two protagonists: Amy and Elder. A space ship is being sent to a new planet so humans can inhabit it. Amy is a human from modern day Earth and has been cryogenically frozen with her parents to be woken on the new planet. However, 50 years early she is woken in an attemped murder and has to learn to inhabit a new society where she sticks out, mentally and physically knowing she won't see her parents for another 50 years. Elder is the future leader of the ship, when he will become Eldest, the leader. He has to learn how to govern the people on the ship and how not to repeat the mistakes made on Earth.

The book is quite political for YA, there's quite a lot about how our society and its flaws and how it would be viewed from another perspective (side note: this specifically strikes a chord with revision-crazy-Sophie as I am having many "what is the point of society/exams" thoughts). There is also a lot about genetic mutation and the information we are fed by the government and how it influences our opinion. I was rejoicing at the fact that maybe YA had a deeper meaning that wasn't necessarily about the beauty of Edward Cullens glittering urethra (I urge you not to google that).

The characters were pretty good, none of them particularly stood out, there was one I wanted to talk to you about but I've forgotten his name. You see? No attachment. Whatsoever. Even though this one scene was supposed to be really emotional because of he strong imagery and... oh Beth. Beth. Step it up.

The main thing I liked about this book was you read a bit, got comfortable with everything that was happening and then BAM plot twist. It made it really fast moving which was lovely compared to all the other books in the haul so far. Revis is a great story teller and that totally makes uo for any other flaws I didn't love.  

The ending was quite similar in style to the Magicians, if you've read that, without the gore. 

I really enjoyed this book and the cover is gorgeous.  It includes a blue print to the space ship.

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